
Zilla Sainik Welfare District Mumbai City Office



Zilla Sainik Welfare Office Mumbai City has been established since 1964.


Landline No with STD : 022-22700404/35183861 Mobile No :  8591983861

Email id :

Duties and Responsibilities

1. Disseminating information to the general public regarding the Armed Forces in the country.
2. Monitor all activities relating to welfare of the families of serving as well as retired military personal and assist them in representing their cases with local administration or Defence authorities.
3. Enhancing the knowledge of general public in regards the Armed Forces in terms of information and employment opportunities.
4. Ensuring that pensioners of the Armed Forces receive their dues in time and assist in solving issues regarding documentations where necessary.
5. Enable ease of passage of financial and kind donations from different organisations to the family beneficiaries and recommending cases to the KSB as applicable.
6. Provide guidance and assistance to families of serving and retired personal in matters relating to land disputes.
7. Assist ECHS to enable easy reach to beneficiaries.
8. Enable ease of transition for retiring personal from Military to Civil employment by acting as a conduit for resettlement including 15% reservation in Class III employment.

Flag Day Fund


Armed Forces Flag Day and its Significance     Since 1949, 7th December is observed as the Armed Forces Flag Day throughout the country to honor the martyrs and the men in uniform who valiantly fought on our borders to safeguard the country’s honor. There cannot be a nobler cause than laying down ones life for the country. At the same time, our admiration for the martyrs should not mean that we have little time for the living heroes who were wounded while doing their duty towards their motherland or their widows and children whom they left behind to fend for themselves.During the course of achieving victories, in the various wars the nation has fought and in combating the ongoing cross-border terrorism and insurgency, our Armed Forces have lost and continue to lose valuable lives as well as leaving quite a few disabled. The trauma that the family suffers on demise of the head of the family is hard to fathom. Those of our men who are disabled require care and rehabilitation so that they do not become a burden on their family and can instead lead a life of dignity. Further more, there are Ex- servicemen who suffer from serious diseases such as Cancer, Heart ailments and Joint Replacement etc. and who cannot afford the high cost of treatment. Hence, they too need our care and support. The requirement of keeping our Armed Forces young necessitates the release of our service personnel at 35-40 years of age when they are still young, physically fit and have qualities of discipline, drive and leadership. Every year about 60000 Defence personnel are compulsorily retired. Caring for these ex-soldiers and their families is therefore a national responsibility.Many brave and gallant heroes from the Armed forces have laid down their lives in the service of the country. Ongoing counter-insurgency operations have also left many broken homes without a breadwinner. Flag Day brings to the forefront our obligation of looking after our disabled comrades-in-arms, widows and dependents of those who have sacrificed their lives for the country. It is for these reasons, we observe the Armed Forces Flag Day. On this day the services rendered by personnel of Army, Navy and Air Force are remembered. It is the collective duty of every citizen of our country to ensure rehabilitation and welfare of the dependents of our brave soldiers and disabled personnel. The Flag Day gives us an opportunity to contribute most generously to the Armed Forces Flag Day Fund. A concerted effort is made on this day to raise collections from the public. The significance of the Day is brought home through electronic and print media. In some places, Armed Forces formations and units also arrange variety shows, carnivals, dramas and other entertainment programmes. Token Flags and Car Stickers in red, deep blue and light colours, representing the three Services are distributed to the public throughout the country by the Kendriya Sainik Board.


Role of Citizenry Government measures at the Centre and the State level alone are inadequate to provide support to the disabled, non-pensioner, old and infirm ESM, their families, war widows and orphaned children. It, therefore, becomes the collective responsibility of each citizen to make his/her unstinted and voluntary contribution towards providing care, support, rehabilitation and financial help to them. The welfare schemes undertaken from the collective contribution is brought out in succeeding paragraphs.   Click here to lend a helping hand to the Flag Day Fund.  Bank Of Baroda Payment Link 


Details of various schemes implemented through Department of Sainik Welfare, Pune, Maharashtra State are as per the attached Links against each of the Scheme.

PropertyTax:-  To be a beneficiary of the scheme, the following conditions must be fulfilled:-

                                                                                                                                                                  CLICK HERE


  1. To avail the benefits of this scheme, the said ESM should be born in the state of Maharashtra or should be a continuous resident of the state of Maharashtra for at least 15 years. For that he is required to submit the Domicile Certificate from the Competent Authority to the concerned Local Municipal/Gram Panchayat office.


  1. A person eligible for such exemption must produce a certificate from the District Soldier Welfare Officer of the concerned district and obtain an endorsement in his Discharge Book/Service Book. The certificate cannot be issued in absence of a Discharge/Service Book.


  1. Such eligible person will be eligible for tax exemption in respect of a single property in the State. It will be necessary for them to submit such declaration to the concerned Local Municipal/Gram Panchayat Office.


  1. The benefits of this scheme will remain payable till the survival of the concerned ex-servicemen and their spouses/widows. Also, in the case of unmarried martyred soldiers, this benefit will continue till the survival of their parents.


  1. Ex-servicemen who have migrated from other states to the state of Maharashtra should have continuously resided in the state of Maharashtra for 15 years excluding the period of service, if the ex-serviceman has not registered his/her name in the state of Maharashtra and Ex-servicemen is holding an identity card from other states, will not be eligible for this scheme. Such ex-servicemen will be eligible for the scheme in Maharashtra State only after completion of 15 years from the date of registration of his/her name in District Soldier Welfare Office of Maharashtra State.



Kalyankari Nidhi :- Please download the relevant form from the website and then submit the completed form to the office of the ZSWO along with relevant supporting documents. Please ensure you carry your ESM I- Card, Discharge/Service Book and Yellow card when submitting the form at the ZSWO.   CLICK HERE 



Proforma C :-  Proforma C is issued for admissions to various institutes which provide quota for ESM Wards and Widows. Maharashtra has a fixed 5% quota under the ESM category for all courses after 10th Standard. The form for availing this benefit is available for download below. Please complete the form and submit to the office for obtaining the desired certificate. Please note that the benefit is applicable to wards of children who are original domicile of Maharashtra, are born in Maharashtra. For ESM who are not original domicile, they will be given the benefit 15 yrs after obtaining an I card from Maharashtra.     CLICK HERE





Zilla Sainik Welfare Office, Mumbai City presently has no  Hostels or Rest houses. The nearest Rest House is as Thane city and details are as below. House at the following locations:-             Googler Map Reference               Add on Information

Military Rest House- सैनिकी विश्रामगृह

Dharamveer Nagar, Naupada, Thane 400604. Phone: 9769664830, 

Military Rest House – 3 x Dormitory, 6 Suites (3 AC/3 Non AC)+One VIP AC Suite

Please call on above number or email for reserving a room at the Rest House


DSW Link :-



Directorate of Indian Army Veterans


NAVY Directorate of ESM Affairs Navy


AIRFORCE Directorate of Air Veterans



Head of Office :

Name  :     Pranjal Jadhav

Designation : Zilla Sainik Welfare Officer

Landline No with STD : 022-22700404/35183861 Mobile No :  8591983861

Email id :


Information Submitted by :

Name  & Designation :  Pranjal Jadhav, ZSWO

Landline No with STD : 022-22700404/35183861 Mobile No :  8591983861

Email id :


QR code to Pay Flag Day Fund

QR code to Pay Flag Day Fund